Oilfield Engineering Transporting Truck
Our oilfield engineering transportation truck is mainly composed of bulk cement truck, dump truck, winch lifting truck, derrick cargo truck and mobile workshop.
Our bulk cement truck is refitted by adding tank assembly, tank cradle assembly, driving system, air compressor, air supply system and other special equipments based on the second-class chassis. Our Cement discharging tanker is mainly used for supplying cement plaster on oil-gas well cementing operation.
The hydraulic dump truck integrated loading, unloading and transportation together. It adopts pallet to speed loading and unloading process. It is easy to operate..
The winch lifting truck is mainly composed of winch truck, crane vehicle and tractor.
The derrick cargo truck is mainly used for self-loading and self-unloading of logistics, railway, highway, telecom, mine, electric power company, water conservancy company, water-supply company, landscaping, casting yard, wharf and shipping.
The mobile machinery trucks are mainly used for electric welding, gas welding, gas cutting and other maintenance work in the field where has no electricity.